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Home   |   Flash development

Whats flash?

Currently, the use of Macromedia Flash technology is becoming
more and more popular for as animated and interactive web pages. What is wrong?

The possibility of using not only the scanning, but the vector graphics in Flash significantly reduces the volume of the animation without losing its quality. You can change the size of objects, theirtransparency, and use any font and color effects. And the possibility of animation objects can be limited only by the imagination of the creator of "clip".

All this opens up new possibilities for creating a truly interactive site with Flash - illuminations, banners, interactive menus, games, etc.

However, in order for Flash animation does not annoy you, you must be very careful when using it. Do not forget about why you prishel to your page. He often looks for useful information about you and your company and its primary purpose is not a multiple viewing your screen saver. And unless you like repetitive commercials on TV? So Flash animation should be rather nenazoylivym elementfirst registration of a site than its foundation.

The creation of small interactive Flash inserts and easier and more efficient than creating the whole site in Flash.

In addition, the site is entirely made in Flash, Face the following problems:
More often than not created 2 versions, one using Flash, and other text - html. And this leads to an increase in workload for the web-master, it is necessary to update both versions, which requiredtons more time, attention, and knowledge of Flash. And as a consequence - increase in the cost of the renovation site.
Search engines are not able to index the text so far laid out inside the Flash movie.
  user often can not be found on the website because of the presence of non-standard material is located in Flash. He simply confused in its contents.

So, now is the correct use ofthe best properties of Flash animations with sound integration of the language in html, the benefits of which are undeniable. And what will happen next - will see.


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