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Providing hosting for sites with Zaporozhye

Hosting - lease part of its user to the server space, maintenance of Dr.botosposobnosti custom map on their web servers.

Speaking in simple language, hosting - this service to place a site on the Internet. The word «hosting» comes from the English word «host», with several importants: owner, main unit, the main room or the inn keeper. Hosting services provide our company ABCname.

The challenges of hosting sites studio ABCname in Zaporozhye.

Physically, a web resource is representeding a variety of different file formats (. php,. htm,. html. css, etc.). But when a user comes to your site, he sees not the files and web pages with graphics, text, feedback, forum, etc. Accordingly, special programs on the side of the hosting companies are able to TCIgap and read the files and give the visitors their content. But the task of ABCname is not only the correct operation of all elements of the site, your script, but also many other tasks:

1. The physical placement clientsenta on their own computers (servers). Under the physical placement refers to download the files that make up a web site on the computer hosting.

2. Securing communication between domain name and website clients. When a user types into the browser addresseswith, it falls only on the client's site and no other. It does not matter where the user is located - in Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, United States, or any other country - anywhere on the website will open one and the same resource. This bundle provides the technical environmentsgovernments, established by the hoster.

3. Sustaining the site. This is a very important task, as well as due to failure or malfunction can be a resource to lose a significant proportion of visitors. Often, because of the disruption of hosting the site falls outside of yougiving search engines that have a negative impact on the popularity of the project. ABCname Our company pays special attention to the quality of hosting sites and stability of their work. ABCname constantly increasing power of servers that serve the hosting sites. In the event of an abnormal situation, aboutproblems are solved very quickly and without losses.

Basics: HTTP Files Upload - uploading files to a server through a browser
Basics of CGI