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Web standards - is more than just "bestablichnaya layout"
For different people the term "web standards" means different things. For some it is simply "the page without tables, for others -" the correct code. " However, web standards is something muchmore. Site prostroenny web standards, this is a site that adheres to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG, etc.) and spent the best solutions (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code friendly URL-s)

In other words a site builtoenny on standards and ideally should be light, clean, based on CSS, accessible, convenient and friendly to search engines.

On the verification list

This check list does not pretend to the title of "super-пупер" full test list. Perhapsit is also possible to complement and expand. What's more important is that this list should not be considered as binding for each site, which you will need to develop. This is just a list of tips that you can use:

as an extensive list of all available web standardsTOV
as a convenient tool for developers, which they can use when designing websites
as a benefit for those developers who have decided to move in the direction of web standards
Air Quality
A Dopages correct Doctype?
Specified whether the page charset?
Walid Do (X) HTML code of pages on your site?
Valid CSS-table whether your site?
Does the site have any CSS-hacks?
Does your site have any extra and unnecessary tolasso (class) and identifiers (id)?
Is it good to structured code pages?
Are there any broken links on the site?
As the site at a speed of loading pages, and with their size?
Issues if the browser any JavaScript errors when working with the countriesitsey?
The degree of separation of content and presentation
Does your site use CSS for all aspects of page layout (fonts, colors, indents, borders, etc.)?
Moved there, all decorative graphics in CSS, and it still occurs in the (X) HTML-code? Is attribute "alt" in all important image?
Does your site use for the font relative units of measurement instead of fixed?
Is broken in any way the layout pageцы increasing the font size?
Is there a visible link on the "skip"?
Are forms available on the site?
Is the site accessible to the table?
Is the contrast and bright colors on the pages?
Is the color only to highlight the critical information?
Is the delay in the drop-down menu (for users with slow motor)?
Are all the links contain the description (for blind users)?
Accessibility for ustroystv
Is the site works well and in modern and older browsers?
Can I work with the materials of a site with CSS disabled, or in the browser with no support for CSS?
Can I work with the materials of the site with images disabled or when otsutstvii support of their output on the screen?
Does the site in text browsers such as Lynx?
Is it good to look at the printing site?
Does the site at naladonnyh device?
Equipped with whether the site is a detailed set of metadata?
Does the site in the windows of different sizes?
Basics of usability
Is it on a clear visual hierarchy of elements?
Is it easy to distinguish one level from the other titles?
Is easy to understand navigation?
Is monotonous navigation on all pages of your site?
Does your site use an acceptable and uniform language texts?
Is there a site map and page with contact information? Is it easy to find them?
If your site is very large, there is abut it search tool?
Does every page of your site to link to its homepage?
Are links underlined?
Clearly there are highlighted links that a user has visited?
Site Manager
Does the sitea clear and useful page 404, which works with any level of the site?
Does your site friendly URL-s?
Can I access your site by typing the address without "www"?
Does the site icon to bookmarks?

Air Quality

1. Specified whether the pages correct Doctype?

Doctype (short for "document type declaration" - "document type declaration") informs validator which version of (X) HTML usedtsya in your page. The declaration should be present at the beginning of each Web page. Doctype - a key component of the page, claiming to standards: your markup and CSS will not validate, if your document is missing Doctype.

2. Specified whether the pageanits encoding (charset)?
If the user agent (eg browser) can not determine the encoding of your web page, users will see on the screen unreadable text. This information is especially important for those who create and maintain multilingual web sites.But even the announcement of encryption is very important for those who create the pages in XHTML / HTML and CSS.

3. Walid Do (X) HTML code of pages on your site?
Valid code browser will display faster than the invalid. Valid code will print the browser is better than invalid. More and more thanshe browsers are subject to standards, and therefore all the more important is valid and a standard HTML-code.

4. Valid CSS-table whether your site?
Do not forget to make sure that your HTML-code and CSS-pages do not contain errors, as mistakes will lead to a distorted selectedexpression of document on the screen.

5. Does the site have any CSS-hacks?
In essence, each decides what hacks it to use. It depends on how well you are familiar with all the options, and of what design you want to create.

6. Does your site have any extra and unnecessary classes (class) and identifiers (id)?
I noticed that developers learning new techniques and technology, often creating great CSS-table, and in doing so - bad XHTML-code. In particular, often in the XHTML-code of the TSArechayutsya unnecessary and excessive "div" and "id". Because of this HTML-code loses Slenderness, and CSS-files become entangled.

7. Is it good to structured code pages?
Semantically correct markup involves the use of html-elements of their directa destination. Well-structured HTML-document is well accepted across the spectrum of user programs (browsers without style tables, text browsers, PDA, search robots, etc.)

8. Is there a site "broken" links?
& quot; Broken link to disappoint users and potentially turn away from your site your customers. "cracked" links can also affect how the search bots will index your site.

9. As the site at a speed of loading pages, and with andx size?
Does not make me wait ... Here's what the idea meant users in all research. Even users with a wide channel tired of slow downloads.

10. Issues if the browser any JavaScript errors when working with page?
Internet Explorer for Windows to enable the debugger, which will shoot out at the screen whenever a page is detected an error in the JavaScript. This option is in the menu "Internet Options" on the "Advanced". Remove the checkmark from the item "Disable scriptdebugging ".

The degree of separation of content and presentation

1. Does your site use CSS for all aspects of page layout (fonts, colors, indents, borders, etc.)?
Use a table style for the management tomponovkoy page and its appearance

2. Moved there, all decorative graphics in CSS, and it still occurs in the (X) HTML-code?
Your goal as a web developer, is to remove from the html-code of your page, all design elements. Thanks to whatd will be cleaner and semantically correct.

Accessibility for users

1. Is attribute "alt" in all important image?
Each element of non-alt text

2. Does your site use for the font relative units of measurement instead of fixed?
Code and style tables use relative rather than absolute units to indicate the size of the elements. The power of the people - the relative size of fonts.
Size shrifta let users choose themselves.

3. Is broken in any way the layout of pages while increasing the font size?
Conduct a simple test. Open your website in any browser, which is a function of changing the font size. Now increase the razmer font. Once again increase. And again ... Look at your website. It remains whether the layout of the page remained the same? The development site does not count, that the visitor's browser font size coincides with yours.

4. Is there a link on the page visible "skip?
"... There should be a way that allows the user to jump to the content site Skip navigation ..."
"... Group related links, please describe the group, and provide users a way to miss this group when viewing ..."

5.Are forms available on the site?
Forms on web pages is not the simplest thing for people with disabilities. One thing - navigate to the page with text materials, and quite another - go on the field form and entering information into it.

6. UsedIs the site accessible tables?
With regard to the tables. Be sure to include headings for the columns and rows ... For tables, where there are two or more logical levels of rows and columns, use the auxiliary elements of language html, to associate a logical unit of data in cellsand headers.

7. Is the contrast and bright colors on the pages?
Make sure that the difference between color and text color to contrast, to avoid causing problems with reading in people with low perception of color.

8. Is the color only to highlight the critical information?
Make sure that all important information is highlighted in color, are also highlighted in the absence of color, for example through context or elements of the logical partitioning. There are basically three types of violations of colorсприятия: deyteranopiya (disturbance in the perception of red and green), protanopiya (another form of violation of the perception of red and green) and tritanopiya (violation of the perception of blue and yellow flowers - a very rare case)

9. Is the delay in the drop-down menyu (for users with slow motor)?
People with slow motor difficulties may arise when working with menus that will work for them too quickly.

10. Are all the links contain a descriptive text (for blind users)?
Links must be sufficiently clear that they have meaning when you read out of context - either by a simple reading or reading in a list.

Accessibility for devices

1. Is the site works well and in the modern and the oldbrowsers?
Before you start make up the page using CSS, to determine what browser you're going to maintain and to what extent.

2. Can I work with the materials of a site with CSS disabled, or in the browser with no support for CSS?
At your site, people can visit, which your browser does not support CSS, or CSS support turned off. If your pages are properly structured, the visitors did not have any problems with them.

3. Can I work with the materials of the site with images disabledor if there is no support for their output on the screen?
Some users are browsing web sites not loading graphics pages. It comes in particular those with an Internet connection is too slow. Your page should not cause difficulties in the work of the sames visitors.

4. Does the site in text browsers such as Lynx?
A text browser is disabled as a combination of graphics and CSS. Text browsers rely entirely on the structure of the document when you create the image on the screen.

5.Is it good to look at the printing site?
Any (X) HTML-document you can attach a style for printing and you do not need to touch the markup of the document.

6. Detects whether the site naladonnyh devices?
This momenT is the greatest difficulty, as there is currently no uniformity in how naladonnye device support a web page. However, some solutions to the layout of pages are supported on the PDA is better than others. Support naladonnyh devices depends on the target audience vashegon the site.

7. Equipped with whether the site is a detailed set of metadata?
Metadata - the information that is understandable for machines. Metadata - is structured information that is created by people specifically to describe it any resource. In other wordsand metadata - is "data about data."

8. Does the site in the windows of different sizes?
Among web developers there sustained the belief that every year the average size of the screen for the visitors grow. Some people believe that the average size of ecrane to visitors to their sites is to the width of 1024 pixels. But what about users with smaller screen sizes, or with the owners of PDA? Are they part of your target audience and whether they would have trouble working with your site?

Basics of usability

1. Is it on a clear visual hierarchy of elements?
Organize and highlight the importance of a material with the help of sizes, indents, and logical relations.

2. Is it easy to distinguish one level of headingsfrom another?
Use headings to describe the structure of documents, using them in accordance with specifications.

3. Is easy to understand navigation?
Navigating your site should prompt the visitor to afirst page, it is now and where it could be next.

4. Is monotonous navigation on all pages of your site?
If each page of your site's navigation is of the same style, visitors will be easier to work with the siteand they will quickly find the information they need.

5. Does your site use an acceptable and uniform language texts?
A clear and simple language materials were being effectively engage in dialogue with the visitor. Do not forget that your site can read the users for whomyour mother tongue is not.

6. Is there a site map and page with contact information? Is it easy to find them?
Most maps of sites can not reveal the structure of a multi-site architecture. As for the usability tests, users often ignore the map, orsimply can not find it. The complexity of the card is also a problem: a map should be the card, not the puzzle to navigate.

7. If your site is very great, whether it is your search?
For a small site search function is not particularly necessary. Insegda there are people who never use the search on the site. Nevertheless, the search function is a good complementary tool for navigating through the site for visitors.

8. Does every page of your site to link to its homepage?
Many usersvateli zaryvshis into the depths of the site want to quickly get to his home. Home is like a starting point for such users, which they re-gather the forces to dive into new depths of the site.

9. Are links underlined?
For onlnoty their users' reference text references must be a different color and underlined. Visitors should not rush to the page to find links.

10. Clearly there are highlighted links that a user has visited?
Most importantly, if clearly identifieds links that the user has already visited, it did not click on them accidentally, and will not appear on the same page, which has already visited.

Site Manager

1. Is the site clear and helpful 404 error page, which works with anythe level of the site?
You have requested a page - either by typing the URL in the address bar or clicking on the link - and found that failed to Nothing. User-friendly Web sites give a helping hand lost the user, while other sites will rely on the fact that the browser sexzovatel himself as something out of the abyss of cyberspace.

2. Does your site friendly URL-s?
Most search engines (with the exception of some - for example, Google) will not index pages whose URL-s is a symbol "?"or any other character (eg "&" or "="). What's in a good web site, if nobody can find? From the perspective of the user interface is the worst URL-s. However, if they are short, logical and samoispravlyayuschiesya, they become comfortable.

3. Can I access your site by typing the address without "www"?
Overall not a very critical requirement, and sometimes even impossible to satisfy. But nevertheless, always a good idea if your visitors have a chance. If you visititel pick the name of your site without "www" and will not be able to access it, it will be bad for you and for him.

4. Does the site icon to bookmarks?
The icon for the bookmarks (favicon) file is a graphic image in multiple resolutions. Aboutnot normally used on all professionally executed Web sites. Icon for bookmarks allows webmasters another way to advertise your site. Of course, the icon for the tabs is not critical. However, its absence creates a wave of 404 errors in your log files. Such browsers as IE has alwaysa request from the server this icon when the user puts a link to your site to your bookmarks. If your site is not that the icons in the logs to get the error "404 File not found". So the existence of such icons will help you significantly reduce the file size error. The same relositsya and the file "robots.txt".

About this list

This list first appeared, in general terms, the mailing list Web Standards Mail list in May 2004. It was presented to the group Sydney Web Standards Group 5 August 2004.

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