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Design sites to Brussels

For some reason, many believe that the design of the site - it is actually creating the site. You tAuger think?
We share the notion of site design and site development, more precisely design is in the process of creating the site. We have entrusted the creation of design professionals who know the wishes of the customer first, then analyze your competitors' sites andOnly then proceed to create a site design.

Design sites to Brussels

Design sites moved from the application of the state, serving previously established types of design in the design of selfny kind of creativity, which includes those related to web sites on the Internet. Construction of graphical images, the whole system of information in the network is determined by its rather stringent rules
If the appearance of your site has already become obsolete or does not meet the company's image on the sitecomes not enough visitors, and gone in no hurry to order, then it's time you decide to «obnovke» design your site.

Web design with Zaporozhye

Design flash site with Zaporozhye

What can «revive» Your site sdelaty its more modern and attractive to users? Of course, this flash animation! Surely you noticed how the site transforms the motion on the page, it becomes dynamic. Creative solution for flash animation - making it the core of the design of your site, without which the web site will already be quitenot so.
One of the advantages of the use of flash is the ability to show Flash content to a broad audience. Because Flash Player is installed on the vast majority of desktop computers purchased. Such widespread Flash proigryvatelya due to its compactness: it is quickly downloaded and installed, but it is a fairly strong incentive for its regular updating of the users. Due to the relatively small size and high image quality, flash (Flash) technology are becoming increasingly popular. Flush-enimatsiya used to create banners, introductory commercials, presentations

Flash design of Zaporozhye

Flash design - design, based on MacromediaFlash, you can create animated videos, banners, screensavers, games. Using flash-design your site will be more dynamic and tech type, but at the same time not forget that a large number of such spots can load the site and make it less convenient and functional forusers.

Flash technology - is a tool for creating interactive vector animations for the Web. The main "shock force" Flash sites is the possibility of creating a vector animation files with fast-loading, which provide aWhen this high degree of interactivity, impressive design and the overall impression of the site.

Design is created in several stages:

1. Definition of the concept design.
2. Creating a prototype design. & Nbsp;
3. Approval of the layout design.
4. Html-coding site.
5. Creating CSS (text decoration, graphic content, links, icons ...).
6. Creating a template output.
7. Creating animated elements.
8. Optimizing graphics.

When you create a design takes into account the psychology of human perception, psychology of color, especially the songs of the elements of design.

Working with databases
Introduction to PHP5
Lock files