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The ideal web team

All good - always a small and compact, and ideal web team should consist of 5 persons.

To begin, you need people towhich is to make the team work. This man must surely be a good seller, but not intrusive, such as those "pushers" that operate in a networked business. The person must be competent and charismatic, can equally well stand in front of the board of directors and the business party. Soas it will mainly deal with business people, the best would be, if people with experience in sales. But surely he must have proven knowledge of the themselves.

Then you need a person who will manage the company. This person whethershall monitor the implementation of projects so that everything done in time and within budget. It should be excellent organizational abilities, and he must be very disciplined. He will be responsible for office work, payroll, bookkeeping.

Dalley, you'll need a man who is sometimes known as a producer, information architect, designer or user. This is the one who will work with the client and ask the direction of the project. This person must develop a strategy for the project, to create and maintain project documentation to successfullytion completion. To do this he must be a technical, creative and managerial abilities, but are these people from the experienced designers or producers.

Most web projects directly connected with the design of only 10% of work. In today's web teamrequire "hybrid" design, which does not brezguet Ôîòîøîïîì and knows how to write a CSS-code. This person must understand both in visual design, and web standards, master the concepts of "usability" (usability), "universal design" (universal design) and "design for all" (accessibility).

In a small team to enable it to operate effectively, requires little "overlap" abilities. Each team member should understand that making dOther people are, and what problems they solve. Basically, each team member must learn the skills of the producer, whose task, as we remember - to the project. Each team member should be able to communicate with the client and not to give up on conversations with him, not to avoid assembly and be prepared to work in a special dirname.

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