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The importance of the home page

With time comes a time when the user ceases to be only a web user, and starts to not only take but give, to complement the Network Stoey information, express opinions, chat forums, make acquaintances, to correspond by e-mail chatter on ICQ. And, of course, now your friends by correspondence, to friends on ICQ and opponents in the debate at the forum begins to miss the information about the person with whom they communicate. It isabout time that person to fill the gaps in information - to create your own homepage!

Home Page - This is a very useful resource for everyone. Communicating primarily based on trust. A foundation of Dovers is that the information we know about the person. The more of us know - the more we trust or not trust - all depending on what we write about ourselves. It is difficult to approach the stranger on the street. We know nothing about it.

And if you had known? ASuddenly we have common interests. Then, you can go to submit, and start to talk about common interests. When talking about the topic, interesting how you and your counterpart - and the words are, and the constraints do not feel, and more - to learn more about the man, to make acquaintance. Perhaps whenas something that people will be able to help you in something. All is well, but I think it unlikely we will be able to get the necessary amount of information about the person.

The network is another matter. The man himself writes about everything that has to. All: from autobiography to the list of favorite moviesinto. All this is located on the home page.

For its size, there are several types of home pages:

Virtual summary - this is just one page on which a very reducedNoah talks about the form of biographies, skills and achievements of man. The text is written in business style. This type of resources suitable for submission to the person the employer, colleagues at work, etc.

Personal web site, or the "Home Page"
Author project - the only difference is that this site is intended for a fairly wide range of visitorsiteley. At 99% of the content of this page - full copyright. Often, authors include projects to see current events. These pages should be updated very often.

The most appropriate type of personal resources - are personal websites. It is their understanding ofunder the phrase "home page".
Home pages can be as the author wants it.

Main page for - this is content, content. The content can be divided into several sections.

The mainSection - the one that contains information about a person. This section may contain:
1. Autobiography
2. Photo Album
3. The questionnaire, which contains information on the nature of man, that he loves and hates, the answers to the questionsType: favorite movie, color, music, etc.

The next most important - section of art. In this section you can publish their creations from the past: their own books, articles, pictures, programs, drawings, electronic circuits, photo bookzhnoy shelves made with their own hands.

The first two sections are very important, but unfortunately we can not update them often. A frequently updated home page - it is a pledge for its popularity. To do this, you can create a homepage «News» For this purpose, you can create your own online diary, where you will be able SIZEeschat news of their lives, to see the events, publish their thoughts.

And, of course, we need to create a page for feedback on the site. This requires section «Guestbook».

  A Actually, you can create your own page such as you want. It can be «beyond navorochennoy», and may be limited and strict. The main thing is that the page contains all the necessary information about you.

By creating a personal website,you should invest in a piece of his soul, and then you get really good quality page.

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