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Type of sites

Most customer orders in the design studio creating the site, does not even represent what the format should be developed by the resource. Will this simple promotional site or ogromny internet portal?

Membership Web Site to any type can be defined according to different criteria. For example, the criterion of the quality of design, content, goals. But the easiest and most objective criterion to classify the sites belonging. That is,Who provides this site and to whom it properly belongs. This criterion is well suited, because of who is the owner of this site (a large company, a group of enthusiasts, students, student or housewife) directly affects the quality of design, its content and purpose of creation.
The reasons for such dependencies are on the surface: the price of a quality and functional design (add more here «engine», and promotion) are very high and are affordable only to large companies with serious intentions. The rest make their sites as aravilo own, but tastes and abilities from all different.

Personal Pages ( «hamster», home pages)

Indeed, is the largest category of Web sites. The question may arise: why the page? A Sune, because in the time of emergence of the Internet was created just one page (sometimes more), at which housed all of the information. But now the situation with the accuracy of the opposite: the individual pages to be less, but more full-text sites. Naturally, filedvlyayuschee most of those pages and sites do not represent any value, both in terms of design and content. Every day, thousands of personal pages, go into nothingness, and the same (maybe even more) appears again. However, their authors have time to realize that not clog an already cloggingFirst the Internet, and to create such pages only if there is really to show other people.

Non-profit sites

Hemnogochislennaya, but more informative than individual pages, the diversityvidnost websites. As a rule, they belong to any associations, projects, international or charitable organizations, as well as cyuda sites include schools, universities and scientific (research) centers, the official site of non-profit software development projects (for example,Lynix). These sites most of them are made simple, convenient and efficient (an academic style). They contain much useful information, this information is completely free. As the quantity and quality of information vylozhennoy many non-profit sites successfully compete with content sites.

Commercial sites

All commercial sites are created, of course, for the purpose of direct or indirect profit. And, as you know, do not invest the money they earn does not happen. Therefore, the level design inmainly from these sites is high enough - the company and ordered the company services web design in the «high» and famous studios.

Generally, all commercial sites are divided into several subtypes:

& nbsp; promo sites. created for a short time to advertise any goods or any services. Their creation does not cause complications, because their main purpose - to show the goods or provide service using a minimum number of pages.

Internet portals. This is the most extensive resources in comparison with the sites of individual companies. For example will not go farDem - site corporation Microsoft. Here, thousands of pages and hundreds of sub-sections, where you can find literally everything that is connected with the Corporation, its emerging technologies and have the finished product. To support and resources required to administer such a large team of webmasters.
Personal site manager. It creates, in addition to the corporate site. This type of web site has appeared only recently, but likely to be widely disseminated in the near future.

Internet shop. Nameds of this type speaks for itself. Design of such sites is simple enough, but the software modules is probably a bit tricky. Require a serious approach to design, build and support. And, of course, should be a great advertising campaign that Internet shopping has gained its customers.

& nbsp; Info expensive of all

Camaya content and users of the most popular variety of sites - content sites. Here are the repository of the most valuable, that is, on the Internet - information. This type ofsites include search engines, news sites, entertainment (jokes), and educational resources, sites, newspapers and journals, electronic libraries, encyclopedias and reference books ... That is, if the site provides open access to the valuable (or even unique information), it can be attributed to thethe type.

It is not difficult to guess, the quality and complexity of design on these web sites is rather low because only the information the main reason for their creation and existence. Typically, these resources have a decent army of regular visitors. <br />
Content sites require frequent updating of their contents. The best option - it is every day. For the filling and the administration needed «engine», that is quite a complex software module, which is easier to work with the site. & Nbsp;

In conclusion, it is noteworthy that such a division of Web sites is mixed, as many resources belong to the mixed type. For example, the site for the quality of the design recalls the home page, but in reality it is a content site, or even corporate! Yes, these casesvery much in RuNet. We will not display with your fingers. And all because of the greed of our leaders who poskupilis order development site in the design studio. According to these leaders is better to entrust the creation of a site of its secretary or «I myself have done everything!» But we are certain you know that eIf you instruct the cobbler bake pies that from this result.

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