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Using Flash for the purpose

Recently, increased debate about pluses and minuses of technology Adobe Flash. Some are ready to do in a flash everything, while others ascribe a bunch of negatives. And the otherpartly right, but mostly people are just arguing about technology in general terms (surface) and discuss what we can do and what not, instead of what would start to think about what is relevant at all to do in flash.

It is a technology positioned at ODA edelennom range of tasks, although indirectly, to perform other tasks.

Before you can create anything in flash, we must decide what to whom and for what purpose we do not it will be important to this site, game, presentation, or something else.

ont-size: small; "> Flash banners studio ABCname Zaporozhye.

Let's start with the simplest - with banners. Banner advertising, since the advent of the Internet and the acquisition of mass popularity, is still very popular, although potihonechkopportunistic in contextual advertising. Banners, by virtue of its specific purposes, must first attract the attention of users, and therefore must have an original design and quality animation, and with all of this packed into a small weight to a maximum of 15-25 kb. TransactionsPrice quality banner and meet a few tens of kilobytes, using a standard format gif, it is very difficult and in some cases simply not possible. To create rich animations and graphics, banners, could not be better suited as a Flash and I think all will agree. Of course there are фл esh-banners weighing 100-200 kilobytes, but this is dependent on unscrupulous developers do not know the technology properly. Skilful creation of banners in swf in many ways superior to gif, as for entertainment and originality, as well as by weight.

> Flash sites studio ABCname Zaporozhye.

The next question the most painful and the most controversial in the use of flash. And so will discuss the relevance of the use of technology in the creation of flash websites. To begin, we must identify with the goals of the site and are in first place will depend on the choice of technology for the creation of the site. If your site is designed for the sale of a product or service, especially in highly competitive, to do something on the flash site is not profitable, because the flash is notfully indexed search engine and check this site for the first position for certain keywords are simply not possible or will cost a great deal of money, compared to the same site only for the html. It follows from this that make, say, Internet shop, which will продаватsya pile of various goods, simply makes no sense and competing stores made not to flash with the correct search engine optimization simply will bypass you on the attendance and consequently sales. Certainly the Internet has made shopping for a flash, and fully carry out their functions, but hasche in these stores offer a narrow product focus, and typically these stores belong to a very large and well-known companies that do not require a very strong advertising.

There is another kind of sites that offer users someproduct - this is the promo-sites (sites intended for the presentation of a particular product or service). It can be used as flash and html, again it all depends on the goals, if we, say, want to advertise a new brand of mobile phone and want to do this is krasivo, then you need to do in flash, but in the event that, at our promo page will be a visitor, as he will be manifestly not the search engines. That's why the promo-site visitors are usually attracted to the sites producing or using the advertisement. This type of sites is very low "life & rdquo; because often creates new opportunities to demonstrate a certain product, as well as constantly produces new models, the old promo-sites are no longer valid, so the site must maxim interested visitors, and do so more effectively using the flash.
The next type of sites - it is Forums. The situation with the forums are very similar to the situation with the shops and if this does not belong to the company produces a product (such as forums, very little) or are not created for a narrow circle of individuals, but on the contrary, sozdaetsI have to bring as many people as possible, it does not make sense to do a forum in flash. In this category can be attributed, and blogs.

Flash devouring traffic.

It is not clear from where did believes that flash devours bandwidth? There are just quite the contrary, this technology is designed to facilitate the application created. Also a banner made swf weigh in times smaller than their cousins in the gif. Well make the site in flash have casing that allows reloading the page to take auzhnuyu external information and provide it to the user, while saving much traffic. If the course is what it navorochennyh sites such as the new car, where there is a pile of video and 3D, etc., then of course that would show the car at full strength and with all angles, accounting for victimsassociated weight preferring quality and rightly so, because the target audience, these sites are not students, but the people who designed this site without any problems it will look, because as long since have high-speed Internet access.

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