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Creating a Flash site design studio ABCname Vinnytsa

Discussion on the place of Flash technology in the magic world of the Internet out of the availability of technology, and were not even drivessiyami rather constant nytem that flash contrary usability (in the understanding of the traditional user experience user's browser as the interface of interaction with web content), on the one hand - and a growing number of Flash sites on the other. Flash could have more and more, and it demands arotivnikov replaced with "Show us button Back" to "Proindekstruyte flash website, then on" Make a dynamic flash site, then on "Where to Search?" - And so on, or all at once. All of these suggestions, like many others, was at this point some dogmatist claims to the modern flushsite - are not fixed in the documentation and standards, but rather a clear and universal. Perhaps the primary purpose of these requirements - as closely as possible the flash site as an interface and as an application to the html site - and has lost relevance, but the approach makes clear the flash sitem, a convenient, easy to use as a visitor, and the owner, and reliable integration into html and the server environment - has become a flash for the creators of those sites, which made build.

The first - the structure of the site. Global Website (as a flash, andany other) is a set of iformatsii (pages), related links (navigation). This is - the premise on which we will build. Since 99 percent of interactivity on the "ideal site" makes the transition from one piece of information to the other - on thechevidno that of how the communication between these pages varies a lot - namely, the possibility or the impossibility to realize a given functional. Attempts to construct a logic of the site, building on the thought of "here we come to the first page / open the first level of Headstion menu / were from the 'about us' --- and now we must hence be able to go to a page of products - so we put the link here "- usually lead to the creation of html - sites with confusing navigation that bad, but not fatally - because html site that you can always put the hapless referenceku, and then another 10 links in different places - and will work.

When creating sites in flash, this approach leads to a much more unfortunate consequences - we were on the "about us", and a link to a page where the available history of our logo (razel 'workss "/ the" work for themselves - favorite / choice-of-the drop-down list "logos") - we can not deliver, because the front section of the "we play animation rising curtain, then out a side menu with customer service (yes - still have not forget to kill avtivnost buttons chiefOn the menu, and run the sound of fanfare), once again, this drop-down list should open on an item - in general, chaos is at the guests and well-fitted in the script (which you receive a dozen new conditions), design (which we are depriving the rapidly rising curtain), and head, which is preparing to tollapsu brain. How to avoid all of this and that to do so we were ready to the most unexpected turn in the structure of the content?

Answer - assigning each unit of information of the way, a central navigation system, and tie all in the interactiveit. We will not deal with flash-like distortion creating dynamic navigation infinite nesting and application of our approach to it - not because it is hyper-complex, but because it is irrelevant to 99 per cent of the specific challenges faced by the developer of the site.

Let us turn to reality - something the company calls the site a certain number of levels of information - even if those levels will be three, that we have been easier - the main page [platitudes "about us", "Services", "Products", "contacts"], nested the first page of [concrete slabss, "" wrought iron "," barrels "] and the second level [barrel round", "square" trugolnye.] spread all the pages about evenly foreseeable space of our imagination, we see that not all so simple, seems - Navigation does not work the same straightforward, as in the diagram- (From larger to smaller and vice versa): a round-barrel "we need a link to the list of clients, otuda in turn - on the product for a specific customer - and so on. And this is just what the customer wrote in TK - it is likely that a week before putting the project, he wants to KEach product hang links to all products for the customer who ordered this product. Therefore, the correct approach would be to secure an original page from any move to any other.

In addition to the benefits that we receive in the design of the флesha, this approach rests on the ideal environment in which the site - namely, server scripts, creating xml-s for him and the back-end systems that cover the content. Set, and then, and another to us - flash developer - more or less do not care: we have got xml, but as he sgenerilsI, through which it passed - it is not our problems, our business to read and interpret. Nevertheless, the current system of nested folders with content on the server - the same way finished, we do not need to contrive somehow to identify any information.

Basics of CGI
Basics: TCP / IP protocol
Basics of CGI