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About vector and raster graphics design studio ABCname Zaporozhye

Vector Graphics

Vector graphics describe images using a directand curved lines, called vectors, as well as parameters describing the color and location. For example, picture a sheet of wood is described by the points through which passes the line, thus creating a contour sheet. Color sets the color of the contour of the sheet and the area inside the contour.

When editing of vector graphics, you can alter the parameters of direct and curved lines, describing the shape of these elements. You can uerenosit elements, change their size, shape and color, but this does not affect the quality of their visual presentation. Vector graphics are not dependent on the authorization, ie, can be displayed in a variety of output devices with different resolution, without loss of quality.

Rastrovaya schedule

Raster graphics describe images using colored dots, called pixels, arranged on a grid. For example, picture a sheet of wood is described by specific location and color of each grid point, which poses depicteds about the same as in the mosaic.

When editing raster graphics, you edit pixels rather than lines. Raster graphics depends on the permissions, becauseinformation describing an image is attached to the grid size. When editing raster graphics, the quality of its presentation may change. In particular, changing the size of raster graphics may lead to "razlohmachivaniyu" the edges of the image, because pixels will beredistributed on the grid. The output raster graphics on devices with lower resolution than the resolution of the image, reduce its quality.

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