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"Proper" use of Flash design studio ABCname Zaporozhye.

Flash-animation is vector format, developedtannym specifically for use on the Internet (for example, and Java). As a result, animation, made using the software Macromedia occupies a relatively small volume and is well positioned exactly in relation to the Internet. You may not even represent какоe number interkativnyh web elements can be realized in Flash: Intro (login screen saver), logos, navigation menu, counters hits, banners, guest books, voting - by all that we can think of! Already in runet site is entirely based on Flash.

In addressing this issue is another important aspect. The fact is that most users do not RuNet view information while on the Internet, they initially remain interesting web page on your hard disk and then read it. But while maintaining a web page,containing Flash, that most Flash is not saved. Of course, already have programs to help save Flash-movies to your hard drive, but they are not integrated with the browser, the page itself igoge and Flash are stored separately, and not all are in fact similar programs. Of this total, there is a prospectostoy conclusion: do not use Flash elements in web pages that have a meaning or information that are important to a web page as a whole.

Flash without reflection can be used for the manufacture of banners and input prompts aka intro. With BannersFlash provides more opportunities than the gif-animation. Indeed, in its essence gif-animation, animation called difficult, it is rather a set of static images, changing after a certain period of time. When technology allows interactive Flash banner respond to user actionszovatelya! Banner can also load in the process of downloading the rest of the page, but that much to talk about the advantages of Flash in krosochnosti and opportunities before the gif-animation. Most sites with limited or specific information, you can see the input screen saver called intro. Usually they are nottlichayutsya a wide range of parts, most often they are built from simple geometric shapes and some text. Here is indeed scope for Flash: You can embed sound, responsive to the behavior of the mouse, make the emergence of a dynamic element and a lot of things ...

& nbsp; Using Flash is the main difficulty for beginners - do not overdo the size. The recommended size of any web pages 30-50 kb with all the elements (graphics and code). Flash means you can create quite informative and dynamic sites, met in this limit.
<br /> In general, there are several ways to use Flash on the web site: the site is fully built in Flash, on web pages Flash is playing a dominant role, but also the presence of html-code, and Flash is a subsidiary element in postorenii site. On spaces RuNet most oftenabout using the third option, it combines efektnost and effectiveness.

Let us now try to outline a range of sites that warrant a full-fledged use of Flash-technology. This, of course, home pages, content is not overloaded, saiyou have a web-studios (who demonstrates excellent Flash design capacity), entertainment and interactive websites.

The main point in choosing between the use of Flash and its non-use is the focus of your site and the purpose of its creation. Flash is good thenWhen less text, more graphics.

With the development of the Internet to Brussels and shift most of its users on high-speed channels on this issue will cease to be relevant.

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